All About Programming !!!

Hi guys,

   To all those who really want to understand what programming really is...This is the platform where i  am going to make it clear what programming actually is.

Programming is the process of putting your ideas(algorithms)
in words into a computer i.e, in simpler terms instructing the 
computer to perform tasks that would make our work easier .

for example: Making an application that can help us to input 
the marks of 50 different students and finding their overall 
percentage which otherwise would have been difficult to calculate.(So you see how helpful would that be)
    The above example actually portrays the most basic aspects of 
programming and thus programming on bigger sense of the term would mean much interesting things to imagine and conquer.

Programming is the point which actually enables the user(the person who codes the program) to actually instruct the machine to 
perform the desired task .

Programming earlier was done through the Machine level language 
(which is all instructions were given to the computers in 0's and 1's)
which made writing even  a simple program such as adding two nos. quite troublesome. So then came the invention of Assembly- level Language Which allowed to code using simple words like 
ADD for addding two nos. and other such but even this was a bit 
troublesome for the user had to know the architecture of the machine in which he or she was working on in simple terms 
this language was machine-dependent thus difficult in terms of portability and ease of usage .
Then came the revolutionary High Level Language 
which became famous because of its portability(machine-independent); and easier to learn and implement. This happened because of the use of common english words in this language i.e, 
now code could be written in simpler words which earlier required 
in-depth knowledge of the binary language.

Most of the popular programming languages that are used these days include: Java, Python , C++, Swift , Javascript and many other.

Did you know: The First Program ever written was by a woman named Lady Ada Lovelace  :)
    May be coz of this programming languages were  complex and difficult to understand .    :) :)  :)

Hope your queries regarding programming problems are solved for more information do comment. 
